Attachments API

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Attachments API is designed to store, retrieve, update and delete attachments.

Attachment API can be onboarded to upload artefacts for Order API submission such as CTOW(Clean Ticket of Work), NBN POI(Point of Interconnect), Site Plan, Photos, Other.


Attachment API provides the following features,

Feature Description
Create attachments Uploads attachments.
Get attachments Retrieve attachments based on the attachment ID.
Get Metadata attachments Retrieve attachments metadata based on the attachment ID.
Update attachments Update attachments based on the attachment ID.
Delete attachments Deletes attachments based on the attachment ID.
Create Binary attachments Uploads Binary attachments.
Get Binary attachments Retrieve Binary attachments based on the attachment ID.
Update Binary attachments Update Binary attachments based on the attachment ID.

Attachments API is a web service based on JSON/REST protocols. It is a reusable api, can be consumed by any application/service where JSON or binary content needs to be persisted, retrieved, updated and deleted as per business requirements.

Transaction volumes are controlled via quotas to ensure consistent and reliable performance of the API for your anticipated API request volumes. Please contact Telstra Wholesale Support before implementing this API to discuss your anticipated request volumes.

Authentication for Attachments API is as follows:

API can be authenticated in the following ways,

  1. CAIMAN (Identity) issued token can be passed to the API proxy in the Authorization header.
  2. Generate a basic authentication token using your client id. Perform the below configuration steps on your application,
    * Configure the basic authentication token.
    * Configure the authorization URL and Scope.
    * Configure your application to point to the API URL.

To get an Authentication token, pass through your Consumer Key and the scope that you received when you registered for the Attachments API. The token will expire in one hour. Get your keys by creating a Developer App.


The Attachments API has the following benefits: * It is a high-availability, stand-alone API * A single integrated API to store, retrieve, update and delete JSON or binary content attachments.

Terms and Conditions

When registering for the Telstra Wholesale Attachments API, you agree to these API-specific Terms and Conditions. In addition, use of the Telstra Wholesale Attachments API is bound by the overall Telstra API Developer Portal Terms and Conditions and the terms and conditions of your Customer Relationship Agreement or Telstra Wholesale Agreement (and related operational documents) with Telstra. You agree to the overall Telstra API Developer Portal Terms and Conditions when you sign up an API account.

Getting access to the API

Follow these steps to get access to the API

Please reach out to API owner or API Support team (#TWDP-OPS) to get access to this API.

Please refer to Getting Started page to get down to the details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which authorization protocol will be used for enabling access

A: OpenID Connect authorization have been used for enabling access.

Q:Who will Provide Support Contact for this ?

A: Support Contact for this API will be Team TWDP-OPS

Q:What information is required to be submitted to invoke these API's?

A: Refer the API specification or the Getting Started Guide for the interface details. Document defines a list of mandatory and optional data elements. Data defined as mandatory must be provided.

Q: What happens if I send an invalid request to the API?

A: If you send an invalid request, you may receive an HTTP 400 Bad Request status or an HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity status depending on the nature of your input error.

Q:What are the consuming systems for Attachments API?

A. Attachments API interacts with the below systems:

SSP HUb(UI) -- Wholesale Tickets case management ServiceNow